Weight Loss – Trick the mind


Does your willpower fly out of the window when it comes to your favourite treats?

The MCMT® weight loss program “Weight Loss – Trick the mind”, tricks your mind into thinking you have eaten that calorie laden meal to alleviate any food cravings.

When you struggle to resist certain foods that you're aware hinder your weight loss efforts, your sense of contentment can swiftly be replaced by feelings of remorse.

However, it's important to remember that there will always be another opportunity.

Were you aware that it's possible to experience complete satisfaction with smaller, healthier portions? You can achieve weight loss without ever experiencing hunger.

Does it sound too good to be true?

Envision being able to deceive your mind into believing that you have already savored that decadent cream eclair or indulgent takeaway. And because you've already "consumed" it (in your imagination), you no longer feel hungry, nor do you crave those tempting snacks.

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