

Do you find it difficult to ask for help or speak up for yourself in group situations – of feel like you don’t want to bother others in case you are intruding?

The MCMT® confidence program “Timidity” helps you gain the confidence you need.

If you're typically known as "the quiet one" among your friends, it can be challenging to suddenly become more talkative and outgoing. However, it's possible that you have a lot to contribute to conversations but are holding back. This mind training program aims to help you tap into your untapped potential and cultivate a sense of belief and self-assurance without transforming you into a loud and boisterous person.

By unleashing your inner potential and fostering self-confidence, you'll experience a positive shift within yourself. This transformation will pleasantly surprise both those who know you well and those who are eager to befriend you.

So, what version of yourself would you like to embrace? Would you like to become more assertive, confident, or perhaps more talkative in group settings? Remember, you possess just as much potential as anyone else, and this recording can assist you in reclaiming what rightfully belongs to you.

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